Hello! You guys are giving this "Johnny" guy all the things he DOESN'T want! All this guy wants is some good sports games, fantasy games, and some action games. The console that has the most choices for those specific genres is the Playstation 2, whether anyone likes it or not. I have all three consoles, like a lot of people here, so I am not biasing. I play all three an equal amount. But for those three genres, you would want PS2. It just has more games for each genre. Not to mention you can take the SAME genres and apply them to PS1 games, and open up all those games too (backwards compatability).
This guy doesn't care about modding out hard drives and internet playability, or even haxoring his console to play every whatever game for whatever system. He just wants a lot of games for those three genres. PS2 has it covered the best. The most RPGs, the most action games, and the most Sports games. Yes, other consoles have Sports games, and some RPGs, and some action games, but not as many as the PS2.
Read his post for what it's worth. Half the stuff you guys are replying with doesn't match his criteria. I'd be as pissed as Lasereth also if everyone kept ignoring what he and the original "Johnny" post said.
Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush.