Thursday - War All The Time
This CD absolutely owns me. It is by far the best CD I have heard in a VERY long time. This is the only CD in memory that I found to be superior to their first offering.
Hooverphonic - A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular
Heard this group on a $85,000 Wilson Audio/Naim system when I was in Chicago last month. The soundstaging is top notch. Excellent "trip hop" type, with lead vocals smooth as silk. Best enjoyed on a very high quality sound system.
Armsbendback - The Waiting Room
I've been waiting for this first release from the Trustkill band since I heard them on the "Trustkill Strikes Again!" sampler CD. Not super duper different in terms of their sound, but still a worthy purchase.
Boys Night Out - Make Yourself Sick
A good record, but I like their sound on their first CD more.
Well behaved women rarely make history.