Originally posted by sillygirl
Yes, my line. The line that I draw when someone talks about one of my friends that way. The line that I draw when someone talks about anyone that way.
I know it's "interesting" to some that I'd jump in and defend my friend like this, but for someone to wish her dead is over the line. People do not need to die for things like that. Face the music, yes. Have to deal with the shitty things she's done, yes. But not die. People have done worse things than that to me, and I did not want them dead, either.
Defend? She is indefensible.
Then I ask you - what would it take for someone to 'need to die'?
Mr. Mephisto, millions of people have been put to death (and still are today) for not having the 'correct' set of morals. Would you be happy if you saw a serial killer die? Would you be happy if you saw a rapist die? A drug dealer? Why or why not? I would certainly be happy.
A sociopath is defined by a handful of traits:
not learning from experience
no sense of responsibility
inability to form meaningful relationships
inability to control impulses
lack of moral sense
chronically antisocial behavior
no change in behavior after punishment
emotional immaturity
lack of guilt
Of these, I am guilty only of one - self-centeredness, as I impose my morals on others when I judge them. But tell me - who is not guilty of that?