Thanks everyone for the responses and suggestions. It really helps.
Yeah, it's probably stress. We bought our first house in August which was incredibly stressful, then we got married in October, again, lots of stress. Not to mention what the wedding ended up costing...
It's just kind of bizarre. I've never had that kind of reaction to stress before. But you've all had me pondering things most of the weekend and I think the stress of the last few months has probably triggered a slight depression. Sometimes it takes an outside view to help me see when I'm getting overwhelmed.
And yeah skysooner, you're right. We haven't spent a whole lot of quality time together lately. We got so tied up with the wedding and all the things that followed we haven't had much personal time.
Again, many thanks to all of you for the responses!
When life hands you a lemon, say "Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got?"
Henry Rollins