Thread: drugs
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Old 04-28-2003, 07:24 AM   #102 (permalink)
Location: Boone, NC
ok, there's a hell of a lot i could say about drugs, and after having read everything in this thread there was a whole lot i wanted to say in response. however, in an effort to save time and space and to try to keep my rantings to a minimum, i'm just gonna try to give a (relatively) short response to the original post.

drugs i have done so far: (in the order in which i tried them)
salvia divinorum
psilocybin mushrooms

(also, many/various combinations of the above)

i am very much addicted to caffeine and cigarettes. i think people make a big mistake in assuming legal substances aren't as bad, especially caffeine(cigarettes are bad too of course, but that's much more publicized, so i see no need to emphasize that here). i'm getting much better (for the most part) at regulating my caffeine intake; it's honestly probably caused me more physical damage/discomfort/problems in general than anything else. ever had a caffeine overdose? not fun. the days when i wouldn't be able to sleep for a week or always needed a cup of double or triple strong coffee just to function are over now, thankfully.

weed is absolutely wonderful (IMO) and it's also the (illegal) drug i use most often. i'm a pothead/stoner/whatever you want to call me, and not ashamed of it. i've never been much of an alcohol person. although i do drink, it's generally not a major thing for me. if i had to choose i'd pick pot over alcohol any day

my favorite overall/so far/etc is LSD. no contest. guess i'm just an acid head at heart. i like psychedelics in general, and so far i like acid better than anything else. shrooms are great too. i like DXM quite a bit as well and have tripped on it more often than any other substanse; most often high second platuea doses, although my first few times were first plateau, and i have made it to third on a few occasions.

i like opium a whole lot, probably too much, but it's not been a hard thing to keep under control. basically, i don't buy large amounts at once and i dont let myself buy too often either.

adderal and ritalin are both fun, under the right circumstances, although i prefer adderal. i've snorted both and smoked adderal (initially just mixed in w/ a bowl, later freebase as well). being amphetamines, both are also great for studying, and also helpful when i just plain have a lot of shit to get done. but amphetamine binges arent exactly a good thing, so i use in moderation(well, moderation for me, obviously it varies from person to person). i prefer adderal for studying as well, although smoking it, as it has a different set of effects, isn't really appropriate to those situations; otherwise, i prefer smoking over snorting.

coke was fun, and i liked it a lot the few times i have done it, but it is far too expensive for me to let it be a regular thing.

salvia was...very interesting. i liked the trip(finally got there after several failed and only a few halfway decent attempts), but it's hard to get an effect with just leaf, which was what i originally purchased and was experimenting with. i think any future explorations of salvia will be with extracts, for practicality's sake, since one must dose quickly for salvia to work. you can't just "boost" later and smoke more.

i haven't done X, even though i've had the opportunity on many occasions. it just hasn't appealed to me enough to be worth the risk and high price. acid, shrooms, dxm, and salvia (etc) are all cheaper and safer, plus i know i like them. i may use x at some point, but only under the right conditions. i'd want a source i really trusted, a safe place and time, no work(etc) the next day, a supply of anti-depressants for afterwards to avoid the super-low serotonin levels that would otherwise result, and - most importantly - someone i really loved and trusted to be there and roll with me (and no, i wouldn't try to convince anybody to do something they didn't want to, and in this particular case i'd just as soon not do it as do it alone. even though there have been many occasions when i was the only one tripping, it seems to me that X would be an experience best shared). never at rave, however, i can say that. i'm not good with crowds, plus you never know quite what you're getting, plus there are all sorts of other risks as well. so, no raves for me.

as far as drugs i would never do... well, honestly, i'm up for most anything. i wouldn't smoke crack, i can definitely say that. i know shouldn't do heroin - i know too many junkies (all of which are good people, and functioning members of society, btw) to think it's something casual or to just say "oh, i can handle that, i'm experienced with drugs" (especially as fond as i am of opium, i know i would LOVE heroin) - but i have to honestly say, if the opportunity came up, in the right circumstances (i.e. safe place, someone i trust very much who knows what they're doing, etc) i doubt i'd turn it down. i think i'd have to keep it under control the same way i do opium, only much more strictly - like a friend of mine who for several years now has limited his use to only 2-3 times a year at most, and when he does use, plans everything out before hand, takes a weekend off from work and all other obligations, and rents a hotel room a few states away. he's still addicted, but doesn't let it run his life and distances himself from it so that he is no longer as tempted on a daily basis.

in general, i try to learn everything i can about a given drug before i try it - both from research/reading about it and by talking to those who are more experienced - and i'm always learning more. i will probably be doing various drugs for the rest of my life, and will try those that i have learned enough about to be interested in doing and that i fell comfortable doing. i intend to explore psychedelics quite a bit more, and i doubt i'll ever give up weed entirely, even if i do end up smoking less as i get older..

basicly, i feel that drugs can be good or bad, depending on the person, the substance, the setting, and a whole range of other factors. drugs happen to be a big part of my life, but they don't run my life. i can't say that every drug experience i've had has been 100% positive, but overall, in my case, there have been a lot more positives than negatives, most especially with marijuana and the psychedelics. drugs aren't for everybody though. one should use common sense, know the substance involved, know one's limits, and and know when certain substances are or are not appropriate.

as far as memorable experiences.... oh i've had plenty... but this post is long enough already, so if someone wants to know more they can pm me or get in touch through AIM

(ok, sorry if i wasted anybody's time, just throwing in my two cents on the drug issue)
"Boy, I like that echo... goes right through my head... I had that happen once, but it was chemically induced...." - Steve Earle

Last edited by GreenCloud; 04-28-2003 at 07:43 AM..
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