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Old 11-09-2003, 10:14 PM   #91 (permalink)
Location: Scottsdale, AZ
Originally posted by TM875
My absolute favorite prank is one that's been spread around the world by The Spark. However, I'd thought I'd share. (I've done this one, by the way, to hilarious results)

Get some sponges. Wet them, and squeeze them into a very tight ball. Wrap a sting around them, thus holding them in the ball posistion. When dry, cut the string.

You will now have a little ball of sponge. Go to target's bathroom (industrial bathrooms are the best). Flush toliet. As the water is going down (right near the end) drop 5 or 10 of these balls in the tank. They will expand in the wall, thus ruining the plumbing.

To make it worse, soak them in a mixture of water and cornstarch. That's cement, baby!

This is one that a bunch of us did in highschool: Find a house with a lot of lawn ornaments. At night, simply move all ornaments onto the neighbor's yard, placing them in the same posistion. In the morning, confusion ensues.
that ones pretty damn good, but this one is FAR FAR FAR more vicious and quite illegal.

Yeast Bunnies

You've probably never heard of this one. It is quite similar to the sponge in the toilet trick except much more vicious. My friend did this at one of the residence halls at his college and they had to evacuate half the building. He was expelled for doing it -- he couldn't keep his mouth shut about his heroic feat -- so be careful whom you telling about your deeds. Let's get down to business. What you need is:

# A Large box of the sh*&$est tea you can find (100 teabags at least)
# Lots of yeast
# Lots of sugar

Empty each teabag of its contents, then fill it 2/3 sugar and the rest with yeast. Make like a huge pile of them so you can be sure you won't run out. Also, make sure to staple together the top of the tea bags so they are sealed closed.

Now for the fun part: Find a building to sabotage, preferably a school of some sort or maybe a dorm. Visit each bathroom and flush 5-10 baggies down the toilet. Then make sure to STAY THE HELL OUT OF THE PLACE FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. The entire sewer system will be infested with colonies of fermenting yeast and as a result feces will be oozing all over the place - out of every toilet, sink, shower drain, and anything else connected to the sewers.

PS: For even more cruelty, throw in some thick rubber gloves filled halfway with the same mixture plus water. Flush them down along with everything else (you might have to down size them a bit). Many people will be wondering what is bursting inside their walls... until s%#t comes oozing out everywhere and there is not a single spared pipe in the building
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