Well...in Quantum Mechanics...anything CAN happen.
However...there a "tendency" for things to go a certain way.
With this there is a normal probablity for the vast majority of particles/waves to be in a certain area.
This doesn't matter how you are describing it.
I would call this reality...with a little touch of gambling thrown in.
You are more than like going to have your reality be the same each time.
However there is a "chance" that this will be radically different,
This is probability...we see it everyday...but usually only in a uncontrolled situation or environment.
It will vear off a missle from a target,
but not allow you to walk through a wall (at least not within a trillion years time)
There are many factors involved.
But...there is the power of your mind to suggest.
Maybe you were thinking about it so much...you thought you heard it...that's anxiety.
However...its like I like to quote.
"Reality is what's left after you stop believing in it"