Originally posted by Angel
Ohhhh...... I love all of these pics! 
Minx....ya brought a tear to my eye, that song has a special meaning for me.
In the mean time, I think a movie theater would be a good place to hide for a little while to avoid being tagged...Anybody see anything good lately they can suggest???
I hope it's a happy memory deep down, my friend!
Ohh ohhh ohhhh....can we watch "Finding Nemo"?
Please please please please please!
And oh gosh....look at this - the tag thread finally getting some of the mods involved! We'd all best behave!
Hey - someone better offer this beautiful lady and her lucky man (ummm who should be showing up at some time soon now he is it) and nice bottle of chilled champagne! NiceGuy....you must have something special saved for an occasion such as this?