Originally posted by Menoman
also what should 2 sticks of 512 ddram cost?
Depends on which kind you want. Get: Geil, Kingston, Crucial, or Corsair. Make sure that they're those brands or you'll suffer for it later. Which kind you need is dependant on which processor and motherboard you have. PC2100 should do the trick to be safe...unless your motherboard doesn't support it, but I imagine it does.
Originally posted by Menomanalso i have a HP computer what is the channces of being able 2
change my case easly...my case is a uATX....if u cant pic of the port locations on back i can get one off HP website....i want one of those coo looken cases...also HP puts crapie cooling places so i wanna add some fans and stuff and there is no room in my case [/B]
I've never heard of uATX, but I assume it's the same as regular ATX. I know that I own a Hewlett-Packard that came in a mini-ATX case. The power supply was 90 watts (ha ha) and the motherboard was really, really small. About 2 months ago I literally tore apart the HP case and took the motherboard completely out of it. I put it into a regular ATX case with a 350 watt power supply. It works great...and now it has plenty of room. So yes, it can work, but it might take a bit of PC knowledge and experience to get it working.
Originally posted by Menoman
woundly it realy be $$ to upgrade mobo's?......wouldnt i need an new processar and sound card cuz its on the mobo.....also case.......and yes all i got is 3 pci slots (
That'd be the first thing I did. I'd save up and get a motherboard that allows AGP videocards. PCI busses work, but they bottleneck the videocard badly, even when it's designed for PCI. AGP cards are so much faster than PCI cards that it would be better to simply save up and get a new mobo and videocard at the same time. You should be able to use the same processor on the new motherboard as long as you buy the compatible mobo for the CPU. A new motherboard would probably come with sound. Yes, you would need a new case. Good luck!