I don't know if ths really fits, but it is an interesting article on the psyche of the anti-gun crowd.
As for why I believe firearms are legal, because it is a god given right, and the Bill of Rights prevents the government from taking it away. There are many legitimate uses for firearms not the least of which is self-defense. My firearms are used for hunting and, god forbid anyone take it into their head to invade my home, self-defense.
Currently I own a shotgun and a mini-14. Gasp, yes one of the dangerous so called assault weapons. Yes, the mini-14 is a military style rifle, but I have yet to find a more reliable and easy to use rifle. In fact it is probably less dangerous than ninety percent of the other rifles available for purchase, but the reliabilty is what I was looking for at the time. Within another six months I plan on adding a handgun to my collection. Why, because it fits a niche i my collection. Would you golf with only a driver and a putter? No, a golfer has a selection of clubs to pick the best one for the shot. Hunters similarly have a need for different weapons for different uses.