Originally posted by MuadDib
Ultimately, I am glad many Americans are returning to work but we have a long way to go to get the rest of the recently unemployed back to work AND at the same level of pay they were receiving in the Clinton years.
Whats more, there is no sign that Bush's tax cuts had anything to do with this beyond the most simplistic of conjecture. I find it very humorous to see the same people that touted the 10 year doctrine for economic change now trying to credit this recent upturn to a year old policy.
Clinton pay levels should not be a goal. It could be argued that the pay/benefit levels that were so easily thrown about by companies while unemployment was low and the economy was booming amplified the unemployment situation and made companies slower to rehire.
As far as the tax cuts, I agree they are not the main driver but when one party screams that the tax cuts are the cause of the slowed economy, the one responsible for the tax cuts must equally scream that they are responsible for the upturn. That's just what happens when an issue gets politicized like that with an upcoming election.