Yeah, I think so. If they were posing a direct threat to me or others that I care about, I dont think I would have a problem killing.
This may sound cold, but I have always thought that whenever you bring a weapon into the mix, you open yourself up to the consequences. For example, if someone breaks into my home with a gun and I then shoot him, I feel that he brought it upon himself--had he broken into my home unarmed, he wouldnt have been shot. By introducing a gun into that situation, he opened himself up to the consequences. Once you bring a firearm into the equation, the gloves come off.
I realize that this way of thinking swings both ways--that by my introducing another weapon into that situation, I also open myself up to the consequences. However, I would like to hope that I wouldnt bring a firearm into a situation that didnt already seem to require one (I hesitate to use require, for lack of a better word).
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."