We walked out into the brisk 30-degree air of early November and looked up to see a fingernail-shaped edge of glowing light sliding slowly off of the freshly reddened surface of the eclipsed moon. The earth’s umbral shade was about a half-hour from totality by the time we settled in to our preferred viewing location – the bleachers of the athletic field down the block. Mostly dark and surrounded by trees, it’s an open amphitheater we use for viewing celestial events.
Even though these occurrances are well-publicized, we’re typically alone in this best place to see cosmic shows. Everyone else is evidently more interested in their regular television events than they are in witnessing what the universe is doing – no matter how spectacular it may be. Well, that’s just fine with us.
It was a wonderful totality and afterward we walked back to our home filled with the awe and wonderment that are available for free here on earth. It’s great to live in an infinite universe and to be able to experience it in all its glory by simply lifting up our eyes once in a while!
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