Originally posted by BoCo
I think the Titty Board should be earned. That'd easily get rid of the lurkers who just come here for the free tits.
Very true, however I believe the downside to doing this would be that the quality of the posts in the forums would be be affected, with people just posting anything, trying to 'earn' the free porn.
What I dont understand is, if bandwidth is so precious, why encourage people to reply to a post if it's good? There's no real point in reading fifty 'Awesome post man. Thanks' replies?
Doesnt that tax the bandwidth and waste server space? Maybe some form of 'rating' would be more appropriate for the porno section of the board? ie. If you like the chick someone has posted, give it 5 stars. The total number of stars is then saved and displayed in the index. So users know that if a post has 500 stars and has been viewed by 100 users, then its a good post.