1992 Grand Prix brake problems
Yeah, for those of you that are aware of GM's poor rear brake design on these cars...I've been there, done that. Anyways, today, I replaced the rear calipers, pads, & rotors on this car, and while I was at it, flushed the brake system. The old fluid was nasty. I gravity bled/flushed the system, and when I had to bleed the rear calipers, I had to do it by the pedal. The fluid coming out of the rear calipers was nice and clean, and there was NO air in it. We didn't do this up front...figured good was good. Apparently, this is not the case. The car currently has virtually no brakes. I pumped the park brake multiple times, but that hasn't done much. May have a little...can't be sure yet. I drove it around, and the pedal came up only a little. I can get decent stopping power out of it, so it's not exactly unsafe to drive, just a little disconcerting knowing the brakes aren't RIGHT there, if you know what I mean. I'm guessing/hoping that air somehow managed to get in to the front lines...I did keep the master cylinder full while bleeding/flushing, but there was a five minute period with two bleeders open that I wasn't there...got called away. I'm going to bleed the fronts again when I get a chance, just to make sure, but barring that, anybody got any other ideas?
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.