I am an Arizona buy, born and raised. Every year of my life i've experienced 100+ degree temperatures for 7-8 months out of the year, but the winters here are to die for. Our winter temps hover between 60 and 70, so it's just perfect for all kinds of outdoors activities you can't experience while the desert sun is baking everything it touches. I've always loved the (relatively) warm winters, but i've grown to dislike the stifling summers even more, so i'm moving very soon.
I'll be driving across the country in the middle of winter, so I think I'm going to have the chance to experience winter in all of its fury, and where I end up will be much more temparate than Arizona's two choices of hot or not quite as hot. I'm looking foward to the change, even if i'm not quite prepared for it. I'm hoping that the winter and all of its wonderous emenations (snow, ice, butt-ass cold temperatures) won't lose their charm for me, that I'll learn to love them after a life deprived of them. Only time will see.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine