Thankyou Phredgreen. I've got coloring book and pencils, a Blue's Clue's Magnet book (magnet - so there's less chance of loosing pieces), and some stickers with pictures to put the stickers on. Also a Felt board with felt people and I'll put in a her 2 favorite books. Also Can't forget the diaper bag essentials, her favorite stuffed toy (or one of them as she has several), and her favorite blanket so she'll go to sleep easier. I've already checked the seating and we are seated side by side on the plane. Also I am taking my smaller seat with a 5 point harness and I will ask at checkin to make sure I don't need it on the plane. I'm only checking one other piece of luggage so that won't be any extra. With all the snacks and small toys I'm taking I'm hoping it won't take too long to get through security. I'm taking about 3 or 4 times as much carryon as usual. I guess considering I usually only take my purse and this time I'm taking a backpack and a diaper bag too its pretty obvious. I'm looking forward to the trip. I didn't take as much carryon the last time my girl and I traveled but took the car seat with. Then I heard some rules had changed so I'm hoping things go well like before.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.