Originally posted by JimmyTheHutt
Actually they aren't the problem. Most of them are fairly stable, productive, well-adjusted individuals. Mostly they resent the fact that a whack-job like me is related by blood.
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Jimmy The Hutt
Well that fact they they resent you, shows that their kinda weird in there own way. I too am the only whack-job in my family and I stick out like a sore thumb by since their my family they have learned to live with me and vise versa. Family should love you no matter what. Maybe you just scare them because maybe you actual reflect their inner person. Hey you had to get it from somewhere! Or you could use this found power over buggin the hell out of them to make weird and whitter remarks in public places and embarrass the hell out of them!
I personally do this to people who act like they have a bug up their butt around me