(OOC: Very cool Bob Biter

, and I'm assuming that Tinnits character can speak our language

, Welcome too

Darghon watches and listens to the little pixies story.. That is so ever slightly confusing.." Darghon raises an eyebrow.. "But it is nice to meet you little one.. but for now.. do you have a name?"
"Mine is Darghon" He nods his head with respect.. "I myself have only heard of your kind so forgive me if I act a little strange.." Nodding with respect again he wanders over and starts to help Thantos with barring the doors so no one can easily get in.. but if need be they can get out with minor effort...
While picking up some useful debri.. the surge of energy hits him again and he falls writhing in agony.. in an instant he changes to his weredragon form... yet.. something is different.. his tail is longer and his wings bigger.. his hands and feet are more dragonish.. The surge stops and he lies on the ground unconcious slowly returning to his human shape..