"Well...I would have to say that was most unpleasant." Koorittou said, standing and shaking himself off, recovering from the electrical shock. He could still feel slight shocks running throughout his body.
"We just wont have to let that happen again..."
With these words, Koorittou closed his eyes and began to focus his energy. Soon, ice crystals began to form on Koorittou's katana. As the crystals began to accumulate, the blade became slightly thicker, wider, and sharper. When Koorittou opened his eyes again, his katana was completely covered in ice.
"Well, this should keep out that pesky electricity, at least while we're in close combat..." Koorittou said.
Now the battle continues. With this new sword in hand, Koorittou starts to slowly move towards Arc. Arc waits for his opponent to make the first move, then it comes.
Koorittou moves quickly to the side, leaving an after image in his wake. Arc is not fooled, and moves to the side as well, paralleling Koorittou. They begin to exchange blows at an amazing speed, each countering the other's attack and then launching an attack of their own, only to have it defended.
This sequence of events goes on for a few moments, until the two fighters break and move away from each other, coming to face one another about 50 feet apart.
With no words, and only eye contact made between them, the two warriors charge each other, each powering up for an extreme blow. In an instant they are upon one another, and the exchange of blows is unable to be seen. The two warriors land ten feet behind the spot of contact, their backs facing one another.
Koorittou feels a stinging pain and blood gently dripping down his right arm, from where Arc's electric spear was able to make contact. Hoping that the exchange of blows was mutual, Koorittou looks over his shoulder at Arc, seeing that he is grabbing his own right side and that his hand is slightly covered with blood.
'Good' Koorittou thought 'It wasn't a waste'. as a slight smile fell across his face.
Last edited by SSJwrestler; 11-07-2003 at 09:47 PM..