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Old 11-07-2003, 09:39 PM   #1157 (permalink)
"It was a bright morning. I flew along side a beautiful tiger swallow-tailed butterfly. He flew with such delicate ease. We flew from the high side of a snow capped mountain, and down onto a bright open meady of green, yellow, and white dandelions. The land breathed in and called me, 'XianXian.... XianXian' ... man would say, 'something smells nice' "

::A strange irony in the stale odor of her rags wafting along the air brings a shadow of humour to the moment of awe.::

"He and I flew along together for a wonderful rise of the sun. All was happy, until the land grew quiet. And I was scared! ... "

::The pixie begins to frown and looks toward the ground::

"I was .. ... We ... "

::The pixie pauses, and gathers a deep breath, and looks up softly into the elf's eyes.::

"HE captured us. And I did not know where he was taking us until I was trapped in a bottle. I could not fly out of the top. My friend, the butterfly... While he still lived, HE placed a spear through his body... His wings still flapped, and his mind still screamed, while he placed glass over his body... and then.. there was so much fear.. I was so scared. There were so many like him, silently screaming into my mind.. he placed my friend up next to them all on the wall. They were always staring at me, screaming."

::The pixie wipes her nose with her hand, and then onto her host's shoulder.::

"I grew tired. And He took notice. He gave me dying leaves, and flowers.. I was very tired. And I heard their voices waver, and end. I was ready to sleep forever until I heard the pale light of a voice in the bottle with me. It was so soft, and so different, yet so new to hear. I had never heard a voice like it. It was new to me. I was so happy to hear it."

"HE had new interests in me. He called me a name. He called me 'Lips', and sang songs about his home to 'Magic Lips.' Every few passings of days he would take a companion. He would dance, and sing, and sing about his 'Magic Lips.'"

::The pixie raises the mushroom from her thimble::

"Thats when this one came around. I never heard a voice like his before. He is very kind. He made sure I stayed awake. He kept me company while I was in that box. He let me know it would be okay when he placed us in there."

"I'll never forget when he placed us in there. He said, that it was his only choice. He cried.. He never cried before, but that time he cried. There was the smell of smoke, and the box moved alot. There were yells of people. ... One day it would move, another it would not. One day, it never moved again, and my friend kept me company, providing sweet mold to taste, that kept me warm inside, and let me see things in the darkness."

::the pixie begins to place look for purchase in Sexodus' ear to permanently house her mushroom, finding no permanently stable place to find for it, she resorts to sitting down back on his shoulder, and gently brushing its cap against his ear.::

"and then you opened my box. and you disturbed my mold."

::the pixie gives a pouting stare to Dhargon, and begins to grow quiet, and takes a very little nibble off of her mushroom friend, grins, and smiles, and begins to coo softly, entertaining her self, and drinks often from her thimble, occasoinally spilling over her thimble, and not noticing until the dampness of Sexodus' shoulder disturbs her, and then lifting it again. She seldom regards anyone in the room, except for the compensation of Sexodus' movement, occsaionally holding onto his hair tightly if safety need be. ::
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