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Old 11-07-2003, 08:27 PM   #57 (permalink)
Throwing cigarettes butts out of a moving veilical or anywhere else for that matter is not only irresponsible but it’s KILLING the wildlife!

1 smoker = 1 pack a day (Average) = 20 butts
It’s hard to say how many smokers there are. You do the math.

In response to the people who think it’s just a little thing, well your butt goes from the road, sidewalk, parking lot etc. into drainage ditches/sewers that flow into rivers & oceans. Fish, birds, turtles and just about every unsuspecting hungry creture will try to or eat the butt (FIBERGLASS), not a good source of nutrition (TOXIC) and unfortunately for them wind up sick, dieing or DEAD.

Yes, the sad truth is this world is decaying and there is nothing we can do about it.
But common think about it. Do you really want to KILL those little animals?
However, if you are an evil sadistic prick. Then you obvious don’t give a shit!

As for those who think picking up a discarded butt and throwing back onto someone’s car. WOW! That takes real balls. Answer me this…are you perfect? You mean to tell us that you have never littered in your entire life. In addition, are you going to continue existing on this planet with out contributing to some sort of pollution.
Oh how I love self-ritechus people.

You’re going to do that to the wrong person one day an wind up dead. In fact, I smoke, not that I toss my butts out the window, but if I did and someone through it back at me that would be the last thing they ever did.

Two wrongs don’t make a right!

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