will working out once a week do anything?
Up until this spring I was extremely out of shape, never exercised, ate junk. I started exercising 4 to 5 days a week on cardio machines (eleptical trainers) and eating better (no soda, more water, more fruits and veggies, less fried crap) and I've managed to lose about 30 pounds. I'm happy with my weight now, but I would like to put on some muscle, or at least tone the little I have a bit.
Now my problem is that I'm taking a very full courseload and working almost full time, and I don't have 2-3 hours to take out of my day (changing, showering, stretching, etc) to work out on weekdays. I can go to the gym on weekends, but I know it's a bad idea to work the same muscle groups several days in a row. The best I can do right now is upper body on friday or saturday, lower body on sunday, and maybe some jogging during the week. Is lifting once a week actually going to have any noticeable effect, or am I wasting my time?