I think that the rigidness of a/any society is a bad thing. There are infinite ways to look at everything in existance. All society does is squash a massive percentage of our potential outlook.
The matrix movies ask "why?" a lot. My answers to that would flow along the lines of "why not?" or "What else do i have to do?" If life has no meaning, then there is no reason to do anything. So why not do what you want to do?
Letting your choices be influenced by others is a different topic/answer. There is really little that can be done to avoid it. Language itself is an outside influence. If you know a language then you are already thinking inside a box. Everything else; like clothing.. music.. the way you walk.. the fact that you *do* walk (on two legs)... etc are just more boxes wrapped around your consciousness preventing it's expansion and exploration. On the other hand these can also contribute to it's expansion, all-be-it in a much more limited way.
There is no spoon.
We Must Dissent.