::the pixie drops her arms to her sides and looks at the last who spoke (Darghon, at the time of writing). A high pitched voice emits from her, fitting her small size.::
"I got here because you dragged my box here!"
::she looks around again, towards the pile
her treasurebox was buried and moved from and begins to pout.::
"Take me over there to where my food was."
::The magic users feel an aura of persuasion and charm emitting from the fey, but no others take note. Sexodus impulsively lifts the pixie from her chest as she continues her stare toward the mold. She points, Sexodus obliging her command to march, while she climbs his arm and sits on his shoulder.::
::she jumps, and lands with a thud on the ground, another aura of feeling engulfing the party, this time with a humorous feeling of sympathy.
She begins to pick up heartier and larger pieces of mold, while munching on one, sticks the rest beneath her rags.
Satisfied with what she has gathered, she crawls up Sexodus' leg, and with his minor assistance, she reaches his shoulder at last, sits pleasantly, and makes herself comfortable, pulling small hairs from his ears, and delicately grooming the side of his head to his minor annoyance.::
**those knowledgable in fey lore note that this pixie shares common attitude with typical fey, but is particularly dependant on crawling and walking, and has no interest in using her wings, though you can see them covered beneath her rags. **
"And to answer your question of how I got in
::she points to the chest and begins her tale::
***ooc: I have to get to work, so i'll continue the tale as soon as I'm home, or on lunch!
