Originally posted by Devilchild
you only need to defrag about once every year or 6months,
depends. such a generalisation shouldn't be made, imo.
Originally posted by Devilchild
due to it wearing out drives and stuff
really? curious about this...proof, please.
Originally posted by Devilchild
most computers are set up and not a lot of things are installed and uninstalled so they dont get fragmented.
another unnecessary generalisation. Totally depends on the user.
Originally posted by Devilchild
i usually end up formatting a few times a year when my disk gets to cluttered,
yeah, i do the same, i like to keep a fairly 'fresh' system.
defragging is somewhat personal, depending on how you use your computer.
me? i defrag ~weekly with diskeeper 8. more or less, depending on how many files i've been shuffling around and such.
timewise, my best suggestion is to have the freespace for the defragger to be able to do it more efficiently. +30% is good, imo.