Originally posted by hiredgun
That is incredibly ignorant. Anti-American terrorism by radical Islamic groups has nothing to do with our constitution or our freedom of religion. It has everything to do with perceived enmity due to our alliance with Israel, and our support of monarchical regimes in the middle east.
Before you flame me, I'm absolutely neither agreeing with their reasons nor endorsing their means. But I can't believe that people go around thinking that "convert or die" has anything at all to do with it. Religion itself is irrelevant, the battle is over politics; the only significance of religion is that it allows terrorist leaders to easily recruit followers with the promise of paradise.
Pretty solid summary hiredgun, but you neglect the Wahabism. Its the radical branch of Islam that is state endorsed by Saudi Arabia, it was the movement that gave birth to OBL. Their message is basically convert or die, even to other muslims.