kel's partly right. 99.999% of the time, it's not the route to riches or power. The other 0.001%, you're Bill Gates
Sleepyjack, when you say CS and IT, are you referring to the full courses, or just CS123 and Foundations of IT? Because CS123 is certainly not CS. It's just codemonkeying.
Trust me, CS is not what you do. It's not anything
like what you do. We do a lot of the same algorithms stuff, and learn code because it's kind of hard to test stuff if you can't code, but you guys don't do any of the really trippy stuff (Neural nets, logic & AI, Learning to Tolerate Du Huyn 301)
Hmm...born 1983...that would make you final year next year?
What's your project? Doing any CS units? I may be able to lend a hand.