Originally posted by diergray
This series reminds me of Highlander. It started with a brilliant premise and then just lost its way.
I disagree with people who say the answers are there. There were too many interesting ideas setup in the second movie for me to understand how they could have taken the third movie in the direction that they did.
Oh well, just like with Highlander you watch the first one and ignore the rest. And then hope that they will make a cool TV series based on the original.
That's the best post about the series.
Originally posted by Shauk
they only used those lasers for cutting through the ships so they could get inside. they were short range at that.
the claws had a longer range and they utilized horde strategies.
I remember the lasers were powerful enough to cut through the hull of the Nebekanezzer (sp?) and then through the next level or two of interior equipment and decking... but I *could* be wrong.
I'm just glad the series is over and ... yeah. That's all I have to say.