Kyo - I did tell them before they got married... and at the reception, he was awesome as always and chatted with me. She, on the other hand, was as obvious as she ever is when she's pissed at someone. I didn't even give him information he didn't already have!
I don't recall who mentioned this, but I remember reading somewhere in here that if she wasn't asking me to lie for her, then I should have stayed out of it. (something to that effect, not quoting anyone). Well, she did in fact ask me to lie for her. She wanted me to be okay with her telling him that the hickey on her neck was, in fact, a curling iron burn (he believed her when she said it) and that if he DIDN'T believe her, to tell him that I gave it to her. She also asked me to back her up in any lies that she told him just in case he ever asked me if it was the truth. I was not about to cover her ass when I knew she'd just turn around and do it... AGAIN... like she has all the other times. Any of the guys in the club we hang out with that have met her have been informed (by her) of her nipple rings, have been shamelessly (and cheaply -- if that's a usable word here) flirted with, and know how she is when she's around guys. It WOULD happen again.

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly-Rose Franken
.... absence makes me miss him more...