The Matrix website has been updated with a WEALTH of really neat stuff... Below is a picture of the Hex code you need to get to the 128-bit code section (the 128 section they JUST opened) and the code you need to get past the 128 bit... then you have access to the ZION archives which is just amazing... It has almost TOO much info there. Black cat indeed. If you don't know about the codes, the Matrix website has long had a code section that was partially hidden. Go to the high-speed version of the site, in the upper-right navigation there is a little yellow dot, click that, then a small panel slides out, click the little box next to low-bandwidth. Binary access will now be available. Below are all the codes... then the picture to get to the ZION archives. ENJOY!
Input Codes (This button is located just to the upper-right of the MAINFRAME box):
agentbullettime - Agent Bullet-time Video
crash - Helocopter Crash Video
steak - Opens Various Links
dejavu - Original Sketches
trinity - Trinity Storyboard Video
morpheus - Sketches and Computer Generated Sets
guns - Poster
wrong number - Poster
darrow - (bf) Movie Art
skroce - Movie Art
geof - Sentiel Art
wrong number - Matrix Comix Season 3 Pinups
tokyo - Tokyo Appearance Video
keanu - Actor Introduction Video
carrie - Actor Introduction Video
laurence - Actor Introduction Video
Binary Codes:
01101111 - Access Panel 2 (HEX panel)
11101000 - (bf) Philosophy
11010100 - Animatrix Wallpaper
11101001 - Trinity Drawing
00011000 - Concept Illustrator Audio Clip
10110110 - Stunt Coordinator Audio Clip
10000001 - Classic Website
11011011 - Room VR
Hexidecimal Codes:
0AC01BFA - 128 Bit Codes (To the ZION archives)
23631BE6 - VR (Grate hall, Keys)
FFF0020A - VR (Ghosts Room, Bathroom, Chateau Dungeon)
4516DF45 - VR (Chateau Office, Hallway, Parkade)
FFFFFFF1 - VR (Parkade, Keys, Grate Hall)
FF00001A - VR (Neb)
0034AFFF - VR (China Town)
69E5D9E4 - VR (Sewer, Chateau, Parkade)
F446A392 - Desktop Viewer
38CA2FB1 - Desktop Viewer
1DDF2556 - 3D ETM Environment
35d67173 - 3D ETM Environment
13D2C77F - 3D ETM Environment
B25F33A6 - 3D ETM Environment
D5C55D1E - 3D ETM Environment
BB013FFF - 3D ETM Environment
7867F443 - 3D ETM Environment
587E1A2C - Tunnel Recon Game (Removed)
3A342CE3 - (bf) Revolutions Teaser
10383910 - Ultra Revolutions Trailer
CC883300 - Sample Code
098CA701 - Doorway Wallpaper
EC306071 - VR (Kitchen)
F03350B1 - Art Department
0081CF5E - Visual Effects
D487A317 - Detective Story Preview
98765432 - Ultra-Sized Trailer Preview
A3B1A428 - 2nd Renaissance Preview (Removed)
D53D49F9 - Unloco Video Clip
A8C3F9AD - Deftones Video Clip
43E17AC9 - Making of Pics
C1B49F13 - "Sleeping Awake" Lyrics
8D966F2A - P.O.D. Interview
64CF29E3 - "Sleeping Awake" Making of part I
19A642BF - "Sleeping Awake" Making of part II
25DB928F - (bf) Contest
A3B1A428 - Virtual Assembly Neb
8E217AC9 - Soundtrack Lyrics
7F4DF451 - Soundtrack Lyrics
128 Bit Codes:
3195A3F6E72B543C6977DA16E7895B3E - Zion Archives