I'd rat them out if I knew who. My computer didn't go down - or our home network for that matter but that was because we took precautions and we have hardware and software firewalls.
Every one of my friends (except my bro who's a computer nut too and took precautions) had trouble. I had to help one and the rest managed to find someone who was able to come help them. These are just small people who don't know much about computers, aren't making money off them or have a small business that makes their computer so very necessary. These people aren't deserving in the least of dealing with this problem.
I don't know how programming works now adays - I know Dos and new some C+ but that's it. I'm not up on the new stuff but the way it used to be it was so VERY easy to leave a hole somewhere. I don't see how they could get their programs to be perfectly flawless. Sometimes it does seem a bit set up but from what I know I somewhat doubt that they are planning this sort of thing.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.