If you don't like the last two, then you're watching them for the wrong reasons. Stop trying to blind these excellent movies from the people who would enjoy them...the people who enjoyed Reloaded.
If you don't like something you watched it for the wrong reason? That sounds like some kooky pseudo-philosophy straight out of Reloaded.
I despised Reloaded (not because I didn't understand it, as some people keep insisting MUST be the case if I didn't like it, but because I did understand it, and was underwhelmed), but rather enjoyed Revolutions. I already knew not to expect anything remotely resembling the groundbreaking coolnes of The Matrix, so I was pleasantly suprised when Revolutions stopped trying to be so damned intelligent and just became a really good kick ass action movie. It owns most other action movies out there.
Reloaded was too smart for its own good, and made the mistake of bringing up more questions than it could possibly answer. Revolutions seemed to say "Screw all that crap we brought up in Reloaded....look at THIS!!"
And I'm glad they did. Because it's a fun, entertaining film.