There are a couple ways you could do this:
1) Create a template machine for each configuration. Make a ghost image of it and have it run sysprep on the image. Sysprep will rip out the hardware info as well as the key code. If you have a corp key and the hardware is all the same you won't need to run sysprep. Then push that image to the necessary number of clients.
2) Make 1 install of XP and create an image of it. As above if you don't have a corp key or the hardware is different, you will need to use sysprep first. This image should include any common software that all 3 groups will have access to. Next create install packages for the rest of the software. Puch the ghost image to all 24 machines. Put each machine in the respective group and then use ghost to install the necessary software on each machine.
If you have any questions, let me know.