Originally posted by fuhrerhat
See, I agree that it was a really entertaining movie, and that it wrapped up the series beautifully.
However, the subplots and philosophy were just sort of thrown out the window.
For example, what happened to 'Merv'?
Mr. French was easily the most deep character in the entire series, and the second movie alluded to him being either the essence of the Matrix, or a previous 'one'.
From what I've gained, I see him as simply the person that controls what goes into the Matrix and what isn't "uploaded." He controlled the Indian family going in as programs with the Trainman. I guess that's why he's so imporant -- he's the key to maintaining the Matrix.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert