i wasn't amazed as i would have hoped i would be. mostly i felt like they toned down neo's powers since the first one. remember how fast he was when he came back to life at the end of part 1? so naturally he would have gotten better as time went on right? he seemed to have gotten slower in reloaded.
ultimately i seemed to me that they didn't quite keep the flow of the series. the opening scene with the two programs and their daughter is completely useless. i mean what the fuk is that? what a waste of my life. if they actually went somewhere with it like i was hoping they would. basically all they did was "look we're both programs and we had a baby!" that was it. if they said something good like "the one is a program that is created and put in a human" that would have blowen my fukin mind!!! like neo was a baby program just like like all the other ones and he was put in that body?!?! but no just "check it out we had a baby!" crap. what was the point of that? LOL. anyway i didn't really dig how they had to go greek tragidy in the end and kill off neo and trinity. or is neo really dead? i mean smith took him over and then went to the source where neo was jacked in? i'm thinking thats what killed smith.... not sure about that one. but in the end smith ate the oracle and she was back again. so neo?......
it was kind of a letdown in the end i guess. did anyone else notice the little the crap like the child program that really doesn't have any purpose to the plot? i did read some speculation about how the child would be the oracles successor. which seems odd since she wouldn't need one being a program and all. unless the original wanted a different type of oracle for the peacetime that was upon them. anyway just puttin gin my 2 cents