My advice to everyone who hasn't seen it: Wait for it to come to video. If you loved Lost In Space, then you'll love this movie, too. It's all eye candy. Someone was saying on the way out of the theatre, "So wait.. you're telling me that Darth Vader was Neo's father!?" Two of the other guys I watched it with asked for their money back. I should have done the same.
This movie was all the crap they pulled out of the Recycle Bin after being cut out of the the first two movies. Then they added a lot of splashing around in the rain, threw in some scenes from The Adventures of Superman and viola! Another box office smash.
Two hours of my life I'll never get back. I say two hours, because the movie was 2:09 long. Yeah, there were a couple good scenes, but ... far overshadowed by the garbage.
Champagne for my real friends... and real pain for my sham friends.