Originally posted by SiphonX
staying home and leeching off your parents is the only way to go man. basicakly... this is how life goes. you're born, you live, you die. you KNOW you're going to die, so why not make the most of it and just eat shit and enjoy life instead of working and paying bills. you have it made if somehow you can bend the rules around your house a little bit. not sure how old you are, but your parents really shouldn't care about what time you come home after a certain age, i'd say 23. don't move out 'til your 30 at least and have income. also... don't get married or have kids, other than that, you're set.
What a shitty attitude! You'll NEVER get anywhere in life if you waste it mooching off of other people! There's a bit more to it than eating and sitting around your parents' house all day.
I'm 21, and I've been living on my own for the past 3 years. As a result I've had times where I was living off ramen and I bounced the electric bill check a couple times. Yes, it fucking sucked at times. Hell, most of the time for a while. But I wouldn't have it any other way, because at least I can say I'm independent and not yet another lazy parasite who lives off of other people.
Now I'm living very comfortably. Yes I work my ass off, but that just means I can spend time away from work to go on vacation every few months, go out to eat all the time, etc. A bit better than sitting around my parents' house all damn day doing absolutely nothing.