By no means do I think things like the action and Kung Fu should be taken out of the movie. I enjoy just as much as the next guy, absolutely, and I completely understand that they're important to the franchise. I'm just saying that these things can be tied in with the plot better than Reloaded did.
I don't think the first movie suffered from these problems, and I thought it was more than just a stupid action movie. It wasn't Moby Dick or anything, but it was at least competently (if not well) written, scripted, and plotted. It brought up some nice ideas in some fresh ways. Reloaded, on the other hand, brought up its ideas poorly.
...and also gives the reason why she hasn't been deleted by the agents yet
All right, ya got me there.

I didn't interpret the asian guy's line at the end of the fight to mean that he now knows Neo is not an agent. I thought it was just some stupid test of skill/character/whatever.
The point of the Smith vs Neo fight was the point of the entire movie: to show what they can do with martial arts and special effects.
*grumble*... so I'm asking for too much, when I go to a movie like the Matrix and actually want a film whose basic elements are at least decent?
I could argue some more, but my head is starting to hurt.