Originally posted by alkaloid
Kyo, it's either funny or creepy that you make a rather extensive comparison between cheating and rape and serial murder. I do not believe that infidelity is at all comparable to rape and murder. It is very strange to find out that some do.
Laws of most civilized world agree with me. Cheating is frowned upon but is perfectly legal in most of the industrialized world. Perhaps it is okay in Afghanistan or Jordan to mutilate and murder women for cheating or having been raped, but I say that it reflects badly on their society.
Funny? There is nothing funny about any of this. But maybe it's creepy to people that morals might actually be worth someone's life. That betrayal is serious, not just some trifling social gaffe.
As we have discussed at length in the philosophy forum, laws and morals have almost nothing to do with each other. Whether laws agree with you or not is entirely irrelevant. I will break the law when it disagrees with my morals, because obviously one's personal morals are worth more than any official law.
In this case, I don't believe cheating should be legal at all. But of course, to enforce that we'd have to put the large majority of the American population in jail, and that simply isn't practically feasible. Sort of how I believe alchohol and smoking should be illegal, except that it isn't possible.
If I discovered my spouse was cheating on me, I'd have nothing to do with her for the rest of our natural lives. It would only take one strike, and she'd never hear from me or see me again.
Mr. Mephisto:
- Yes, I have heard of such 'defenses', and I think they're bullshit. They make me sick. I don't think very highly of our 'vaunted American justice system.' Not a single person that I grew up with does. We've seen first-hand just how 'effective' it is.
- I'd trust the stranger about as much as my 'friend'. But you introduce a new variable with a stranger - motive. A stranger could have any number of reasons to lie to you that you couldn't even fathom. Oh, and about the friend. Several 'friends' lied to me about something pretty serious a few years ago and they are no longer my friends.
- Emotionally cold world? It's strict, yes. But how does that have anything to do with trusting a criminal? A
shame that I don't believe in rehabilitation? You have got to be kidding me. If someone murders my friend or relative, why would I ever want him rehabilitated? I would want him dead. Did his victims get a second chance? No. Then why should he get one? He should die like the worthless scum he is. An eye for an eye, a life for a life. But he got his second chance, because of our 'vaunted American justice system.'
- Yes, less of a person. Where's the problem with that? If someone is known as a liar, wouldn't you think less of him? If someone you knew was cheating, wouldn't you think less of them? If so, then they are no longer equal to the person they used to be - they are somehow less in your eyes.
- If I am married, I have made a very serious commitment, a vow - till
death do us part. This sort of vow is worth something to me - it is worth my life, if need be. You say you can't understand anyone whose mind works like mine. Similarly, I can't understand anyone who could take such a situation so lightly. I don't understand so much of what Americans do and put up with. If someday I get married and cheat on my spouse, I will kill myself. After all, that is the vow I took.