Originally posted by Batman976
Did you ever weigh yourself, then eat a whole beeflog, then weigh yourself again?
Did you ever evacuate your bowels and bladder and THEN weigh yourself? (You fattys know what I mean.) OR, did you weigh yourself first, THEN evacuate your bowels and bladder just to see how much that shit/piss weighs? (A digital scale is helpful.)
(Water {piss?} weighs 8.3 pounds a gallon. I don't know shit, I mean, I don't know about shit, that is, I don't know how much shit weighs...WAIT, (weight) I could tell you how much MY shit weighs though...hang on...........................................................................
.........................1.25 lbs!) Do I look thinner?
It could depend on what you have eaten. Maybe lasagna shit weighs more than salad shit. Life's mysteries.