No. I don't have that emotion in me. I don't know why. It's a fairly common human emotion/motivation. I am more concerned with my own life and well-being than I am concerned with the people's lives that may be responsible for doing damage.
What I am saying here is acting out of the emotion/motivation of revenge only hurts oneself. Why? Because it lowers one to the level of one’s enemies and it is self-destructive in many ways.
You are a very intelligent person. I have come to respect you. I am actually surprised by what you are saying here. But since you are willing to be so honest I believe I can be equally honest in my response.
The most intelligent thing to do here is to see the emotion/motivation for what it is. It is an error of judgment because it does harm to oneself to act out of revenge. It is far wiser and more effective to ignore ones enemies than it is to seek to achieve revenge. In general, not only do I ignore my enemies I typically disengage from them once I have identified their maleficent nature. If anything like direct action is needed, however, I do confront them both publicly and privately until they are made aware of my judgment against them. Those confrontations have become less and less frequent, since even the act of confrontation does tend to bring one down to the level of ones enemies.
Here’s a bit of advice from William James:
“The art of being wise
is the art of knowing
what to overlook.”
create evolution