Originally posted by arch13
I've got 2700ddr memory that's reading a real clock of 167Mhz and an effictive clock of 333Mhz while my FSB is running at 133MHz real and 267Mhz effective.
Are the effective numbers the actual clock speeds, or are they the max clock speeds and i'm currently running at the "real" clock speeds?
I think that this goes to how marketing has really screwed up all sorts of computer terms......
The real clock speed is just that the actual speed that your ram is runing at. The effective speed is just how much work is actually being done.
I.E. regular sdram = 133 mhz (real and effective)
ddr (double data rate) sdram = 133 (real) and 266 (133*2) effective
so for qdr (quad data rate which if/when it comes out) = 133 mhz(real) and 533 (133*4) effective.
The multipliers are there because ddr can do 2 * more work then a "regular" stick of ram at the same clock speed.