Note: There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying music from a commercial artist. aka dido, michelle branch, sarah mclachlain, etc.
Here are a few singers that you may have not heard of. This is due mainly to little to no airplay.
Eleni Mandell - Top notch singer songwriter. She will eternally be on my list of favorite artists. Depending on what album to try, she goes from rock, to acoustic, to country (my favorite)
Heather Nova - Another fantastic singer songwriter. She got her start a few years before Lilith Fair took off. Since then, she has consistantly put out good albums. She is bigger in the UK than the US. I'm just waiting for her latest album (storm) to be released here in the states.
Repeat - Eva Cassidy - good call quadro2000 - Great vocalist, and she will be dearly missed. Her 2 post-humous albums were found by former bandmates, and include a few covers that are actually better than the originals (sting, prince, etc)
If you like a good fun band, try out Brassy. The lead sing, Muffin Spencer (real name), is the sister of John Spencer, of John Spencers Blues Explosion fame. They put out fun albums that are big on the beat, and seem to revolve around Basketball.
Gillian Welch - the modern folk country singer. Time (The Revelator) is a great album to start off from.
And my biggest recommendation - THE CARDIGANS!!!
If you love "Lovefool" find their debut album "Life". Otherwise, stick to their later albums that are a little more sophisticated. Nina Persson has a good voice, and is well complimented by the rest of the band.
She also has a side project that does equally exceptional work. "A Camp"