Originally posted by arch13
Heck, get an ATI (fully ATI branded for warranty) 8600 with 256mb ddr on board for arounf 250.00 and call it a day witha rock solid card and 150.00 to put back in the bank.
No such thing as the 8600.

If you're talking about the 9600 Pro, that card isn't anything special. The GeForce 4 TI4200 8x beat it out in most tests (yes, a GF4 beat out a DX9 9600 Pro).
Originally posted by hy_
Get an ATI, it's proven Nvidia will not perform as good in Half-Life 2. Anything from 9600, 9700 or even 9800 if your budget allows you will do.
NVIDIA isn't doing as well in Half-Life 2 because everyone tested it with the wrong drivers. On top of that, NVIDIA slaughters every ATI card in Doom 3. Like I said before, each card does better on different tests. The 9600 Pro is not a wise choice. I hate to say it, but it's simply an overpriced DX9 compatible card. Sort of like the GeForce FX 5200 and 5600/5700. The GeForce 4 beats out ALL of those, even the Ultra versions.
I'd still go with a Radeon 9800 Pro or GeForce FX 5900 Ultra. If you want to spend something well below $400, list your price and I'll give my opinion on that price. Good luck!