Problems with the Parents
So Hal and I are very happy together. I've moved back to California where my parents and all my old friends are, as well as Hal. I've landed a job, but I'm still interviewing for better ones. We've really started to feel settled.
We've decided not to move in with each other for various reasons, but we are still living close by each other so we have lots of time together.
Sidenote: Hal is SUCH a sweetie! Yesterday was my first day on the new job and he came to pick me up afterwards with a beautiful long-stemmed rose. When we got out to the car there was the rest of the half dozen sitting on the passenger seat waiting for me. 6 long-stemmed roses!!! And a card saying "oh, nothin'"
Back to the story:
So Hal and I are very happy together. We have come to appreciate and love even more of our differences. We have made things work, and see a bright future in our love.
The problem that I find myself dealing with more than ever has to do with my family.
Here's the basic rundown of how people in my family feel about Hal and I:
Grandma in Utah: He's the sweetest man she could hope for to be in love with her granddaughter. She thinks that my parents concerns regarding his religious beliefs are out of line and redily tells them, though in riddles and scriptures.
Cousins in Utah: He's a good guy. Treats their cousin well. Don't want me to lose him.
Brother: So happy that his little sis is finally following her heart. Likes the fact that Hal and I have been friends for so many years so we have something to build on.
Sister: Confused as to why her little sis seems to be making the same stupid mistakes she did. Wishes I would wisen up and run away from non-Mormon guys. Likes Hal well enough as my friend.
Dog: Loves Hal's petting and keeps him company at my house while the rest of the family ignores him. (this dog doesn't like everyone)
Mom: "What is my daughter doing with her life? She's leaving BYU? She's deciding not to go on a mission? So confused, why is she still going to church? It doesn't all fit together. Why does she keep saying that God is still at her side? Doesn't her life follow a different path from what God accepts?"
Dad: Still don't have a clue what he thinks. He seems pretty competitive and hostile towards Hal at times, ignores him at others. Tries at every turn to get me to send Hal on his way and stick around with my dad a little longer. Seems like more of the jealous dad having to let go of his little daughter than disapproval of Hal's religious stance.
So whenever I go home there is always this difficult-ness to wade through. Every time my mom asks me not to boot her out of my life. I tell her that I am not.
I've taken to living with my best friend Lindsay's family. They have always considered me as their daughter, taken me on the family trips and the like. Now it's become a more fierce "Litespeed is our daughter now" kind of a thing. They emphasize that Lindsay and her kid sister Megan are my sisters as often as they can. They are very supportive of Hal and always enjoy having him around the house.
So my real question is: how do I get my parents and my sister to love and appreciate Hal like I do? How do I get them to see past our differences and focus on the fact that their daughter is in love with a man who takes care of her and treats her well? How do I show them that I love them, though I am defying their wishes at every turn?
Thank you for listening to this long rant. I would love any advice that you gals can send my way.