Originally posted by Mr Mephisto
I wasn't. I suppose I should have said "One cannot say... but the third person is often overlooked in modern speech. 
Well, you could have used the third person but that still doesn't address my point, here.
I was commenting on your rhetorical question "you've NEVER made a mistake in your life." Then you retorted by saying how the original poster was making sweeping generalizations. What does one have to do with the other? The generalizations were something I did not address.
Two points.
1) I'm not offended by anything you said. I just disagree with the sweeping generalizations of a previous poster.
2) Whilst I still think I was right, I posted immediately afterwards saying that I hope I hadn't come across too harsh. Read the thread. 
When I said you were easily offended, I was not referring to the generalizations, I was referring to your comment "using a rape as an example? That's beyond contempt."
Yes, I did notice that you said you hoped you didn't come across too harsh.