Observing the past is the number one way to misinterpret the future.
I think american pride during times of an unjustifiable war is despicable.
This whole country only chooses to teach our history in a light that makes us out to be the wronged, who in the end, makes it all right.
My history books would show some scared stingy white boys trying to escape taxation. with money being the root of all evil. this leads to the idea of starting thier own government apart from any of the European influences.
bum bum bum.
well guess what, Native americans are already there, oops!, lets just kill them all!.
hrm, well that didn't work, guess we should buy them off with some land sometime down the line.
hey we need work done for us, lets get some of those N***ers from africa to do all of our shit work for us!
oops! they think they are people! isnt that cute!
Oh crap I gotta do my own work now? well I think my wife needs to clean my house and get in the kitchen and make me some food!
oops! what? you arent my slave?
you are people too?
damn, cant kill native americans, cant use blacks for labor, cant use women for labor? well damn, I still have my money im saving since I escaped those taxing bastards in europe.
la la la
oh look, gay people? they want rights too? what? they want to be married?
oh look, our government taxes me off my check when i earn money, oh look, im being taxed when i buy food, or whatever.
oh gee. this doesnt feel so free now does it?
ok, every step of the way, this country that was supposedly about freedom... there has had to have been a massive fight, a huge uprising, a campaign of massive proportions to get anything done about it.
how long did it take to get equal rights for minorities? too long
how long did it take for women to get equal pay? not happening yet accoring to recent studies.
how long did it take for our pirate ship government to make up with the native americans? uh, what?
this countries actions make me sick. the rich get tax cuts, *money really is the root of all evil see? corporate america! GO!* the poor get fucked. and the only right we have, is to be able to bitch about it. a lot of good that does.
i suppose my post may be too inflammatory for some.
dont take it personal, this is how I FEEL.
this is why i plan on leaving the states.
I feel dirty being an american since our history AND out current affairs are nothing but dirty money making schemes and a fight for power, built on the backs of the gullible people who really did truely want freedom.