College Football Doomsday Scenariae
1. Southeastern Conference
The SEC East has Florida, Georgia, and Tennessee all with 2 losses (1-1 against each other) and relatively easy conference opponents left. If all three win out in the conference, the tie will end up having to be decided by a meeting of the ADs of the schools not affected by the tie, ie all except Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, and the eventual SEC West winner. The SEC already has the motto, "If yew ain't cheatin', yew ain't tryin'." The SEC East winner is the one with the best bribes.
2. How many one-loss teams can you fit in a VW Beetle?
Currently there are 6 one-loss BCS teams: Southern California, Florida State, Ohio State, Miami FL, Virginia Tech, and LSU. None of them play each other the rest of the season. If that number isn't down to one by December 7, someone or several someones will be whining about being left out; the whining increasing exponentially with the number of teams left out.
A variant on this scenario requires Oklahoma to lose once between now and December 7, potentially having 7 one-loss teams fighting for two spots.
3. … and if they all lose again?
With six upsets, the landscape could look an awful lot like 2001, when Florida was upset and eliminated in the SEC championship by LSU and the Oklahoma-Nebraska rematch become Colorado-Texas for the Big XII championship, which Texas lost and was thus eliminated and allowed Nebraska to skulk their way into Custeresque beating by Miami.
This scenario lets every two-loss BCS team and one-loss non-BCS team now join the whining chorus, potentially 22 teams begging for the chance to be Bourbon Street roadkill on the wheels of the Sooner Schooner. This scenario is the wet dream of TCU, because it guarantees them a BCS bowl if they are undefeated.
This one also has a Sooner variant, this time where the Sooners lose once in the regular season, then lose in the Big XII Championship. We would then have 23 teams (one fifth of I-A) crying over 2 spots.
If you hate the BCS, root for scenario #3. The resultant litigation will be fatal to them.
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