Originally posted by Kyo
Mr Mephisto:
- Maybe the person was confused? Maybe the alchohol affected their judgement? These are valid excuses because ...? If I kill someone, telling the family that "the alchohol affected my judgement" is such utter bullshit I would be embarassed to say it. The fact that anyone can even think to say this is just unbelievable. And what's to say that the person won't become 'confused' or drunk again?
Well, I'm afraid in the much vaunted American justice system, such "excuses" do exist and are recognized in law. Have you ever heard of the "Twinkies defence" for example?
- Say a person has lied to you. Would you trust them as much as someone who doesn't? If not, why not? You can't say that they will definitely lie to you again, but you trust them less anyway - doesn't this seem unjustified?
Would I trust someone who lied to me as much as someone who didn't? It really depends upon my relationship with them. If they were a friend who had lied and it was a stranger who hadn't lied, then of course I would trust them more.
The simple "black and white" logic you use is not the foundation of my value system.
- Trust? Forgiveness? When dealing with a murderer, that's suicidal. Trust can get you hurt a lot faster than most other human follies. And no, I don't believe in rehabilitation, I believe in justice. The two are mutually exclusive in my book.
Well you must live in a very emotionally cold world. I imagine very strict and harsh personal relationships if not a single infraction of any of your rules can ever been forgiven.
It's also a shame you don't believe in rehabilitation.
- If doing something once makes it easier to do again, it argues liklihood - in particular, higher. If she cheated once, it is more likely to happen again. Credibility can't be repaired. Everyone will remember what you did, and everyone will think less of you because of it. Whether you do it again or not, you've done it in the past, so you are now less of a person.
Good grief.
- Cheating is similar to rape, murder in that they are premeditated actions where it is abundantly clear to the perpetrator that what they are doing is wrong. But in terms of severity, cheating isn't that far behind more heinous crimes, in my opinion. Why wouldn't it be? Has betrayal become such a trivial thing in America? Because it is so widespread, has it become acceptable? Treason is punishable by death, and you owe more to your spouse than you do to your country.
I'm simply astounded that you equate rape and murder to someone cheating on a girlfriend or fiance. I'm glad I don't have a personal relationship with you, and I mean that with respect. I simply cannot understand anyone whose minds works like yours.
- I don't think there is anything wrong with going behind a person's back when they are doing something you believe is wrong. If you are doing something that you wouldn't want witnesses to, you shouldn't be doing it at all. The husband deserved to know - it is his wife, after all, that betrayed him. Attempting to shift the blame from the criminal to the witness is very like America.
They weren't married. Reread the original post.
Mr Mephisto